Holiday Candlelight Tour Nov 29th 2018
Thursday, November 29, 2018 - 7:00pm
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You are invited to step back in time through the doors of the Historic Odessa Foundation and explore the Christmas traditions of yesteryear. Participants experience a special candlelight tour of our 2018 holiday exhibit and enjoy wine and festive treats in front of a roaring fire at the Collins-Sharp House, c.1700.
Fun, food, and camaraderie for friends or an evening out the entire family can enjoy!
Tours leave from the Visitor’s Center. $15 per person* – Reservations are required by calling 302-378-4119.
*Member discounts do not apply.
Note: Tours also take place Nov, 27, Dec. 4, 6, 11, 13, 18, and 27th with a special candlelight tour hosted by the curator on Dec. 20.
Candlelight Tours are sponsored by Alvaré Associates, Inc.